This is a timed quiz. You will be given 420 seconds to answer all questions. Are you ready?
The duty of the lighthouse keeper is to keep the light burning no matter what happens, so the ships will be warned of the presence of dangerous rocks. If a shipwreck should occur near the lighthouse, even though he would like to aid in the rescue of the crew and passengers, the lighthouse keeper must..."
In certain areas, water is so scarce that every attempt is made to conserve it. For instance, on one oasis in the Sahara Desert, the amount of water necessary for each date palm is carefully determined. How much water is each tree given?
Twenty-five percent of all household burglaries can be attributed to unlocked doors or windows. Crime is the result of opportunity plus desire. To prevent crime, it is each individual's responsibility to..."
From a building designer's standpoint, three things that make a home livable are the client, the building site, and the amount of money the client has to spend. According to the passage, to make a home livable...
A business letter has six parts instead of five. The extra part is called the inside address. It is placed just above the salutation. The other five parts are just the same as for the friendly letter. What is the extra part of a business letter?
When writing a letter, you should use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, letter-form and paragraphing. When you have finished, read your letter through and rewrite it, if you are not satisfied with any part of it. When should you rewrite your letter?
Mineral-rich Zambia is one of the world's most important sources of uranium. It also is a source of copper, tin, diamonds (mainly industrial), gold, cobalt and zinc. Agricultural products include palm oil and kernels, cottonseed, rubber, cotton lint, coffee, peanuts, sweet potatoes, yams, and cassava. How many cotton products does Zambia produce?
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the people thereof, for six years; each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after, they shall be divided as equally as may be divided into three classes. The seats of the first class shall be vacant at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, that one-third may be chosen every second year. The purpose of the three classes is ...
Section 3: Paragraph Comprehension
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